Life Ain't Easy For THEOSU
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Really really short day 2 trip report
First hand, I fold 42o. Second hand I fold 82o. Third hand I raise AA, get reraised and push against one of the two players at the table that covers. He calls with kings and the first card off sets him up. Out in 156th.
This... sucks.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Day 1 Trip Report - PokerRoom Grand
I survived day one of the grand, making day 2 with 53,766 in chips, good for 56th of 157 players remaining. I played some very good poker, despite having very little service all day. The heat ran for 6.5 hours, which worked to about 6 hours with breaks factored in. I'm not sure how many hands we got in 6 hours, probably between 400 and 500, but I received very little service in that time. I recall one AK, but there may have been another. I know I got aces twice, and I think I got another big pair, maybe QQ. Other than that, TT once, 99 a couple times, a few AQs - but that's it.
I think it's because of this lack of service that I'm ecstatic with the day and with my play in general. I did a great job of making chips, and only got involved in a few confrontations. I did get lucky in one (or two, depending) key spots. I would say I got involved in 5, maybe 6 big hands.
The structure of this tournament is phenomenal, as I've said. 10k starting chips, 30 minute rounds, blinds starting at 25/25. My first table had no one I immediately recognized, although I recalled rather quickly that the player to my right was Full Tilt Pro Aaron Bartley, who finished fifth at the WSOPC in Atlantic City last year. Other than that, I recognized no names, and the table did not seem that tough.
During the second level (25/50), my first big hand arose, although I did not intend for it to become a big hand at all. I was UTG and accidentally minraised. I was performing an action on another table and my click must have somehow also applied to the grand table, which was not the active window at the time. This resulted in a few things: me swearing, me finding out what I had, me repositioning the tables so that this would not happen again. As it turns out, I had K6o, was called by the button and the blinds. The flop came 347 with two clubs. This isnt' an awful flop for K6o, so I bet 150. Except I typed in 1550. I swore, deleted it, and retyped 150. Or so I thought. I somehow typed 1550 in twice and didn't catch it the second time. It was folded to the BB who pushed. I didn't realize I bet 1550 at the time and saw the push and was confused. Then I noticed my bet. I swore and quickly folded, but that sequence cost me 1650 in chips at 25/50 for a hand I'd surely have folded immediately.
While that put me into a slight hole, it did not seriously impact my plan for the tournament. Basically, as with every deep stacked situation, I hoped to see a lot of flops, play position well and hope to make a big hand. I was able to do this in hour 2 at 75/150.
I was in MP and opened to 420 (my standard raise at 75/150 - I don't like making it 3x the BB, and I've settled on 420 as the raise at this level, because it occasionally earns me compliments) with 53o. I had been stealing a bit in LP, but rarely in EP. The players on the blinds were tight so I was hoping this would take the pot down. I was cold called by the hijack and the blinds folded. I wasn't too happy that I would be playing with 53o out of position, but I knew if I hit a hand I could double up. The flop came a good one for my hand, 247. I bet my draw and he again called. I figured at this point he either had AA/KK or a marginal pair like 88. The turn was magic for me - a six. I bet my made hand and he reraised me. I was certain at this point he'd slowplayed aces or kings, and I pushed rather quickly. It didn't take him long to call with the aces, drawing dead. An ace spiked the river as an extra fuck you.
That got me over 20k, but my joy was shortlived as the player to my left busted and was replaced by Matt Matros, who finished 3rd in the season 2 WPT championship. This was not good news, especially since he brought a 35k stack with him.
I did not get involved much in the next 45 minutes or so, losing a couple grand in chips when I didn't make hands when my 3rd big hand came up. Down to between 17 and 18k at 150/300 I raised to 800 (standard) with A9c in the cutoff, Matros called on the button. The flop came Jh5d4d. I bet 1050, ready to release if I got action. Matros raised me to 3300, which was an interesting development. I really thought that his raise was a feeler raise. The timing of it was such that it really seemed to just be a probe raise. I took a chance and 3bet the hand to 8k. He quickly called and I was done. I don't remember the turn, but I checked and he put me in, and I folded quickly. I very much like my play on this hand. With his raise Matros is going to have a hand he's willing to go to the felt with or that he's willing to dump unimproved. I gave him the chance to dump it but unfortunately he had the former.
Surprisingly, that was the last interesting hand for a while, as I was grinding my stack back from the felt to respectability. Shortly after the Matros 3bet gone awry I did a stop and go with 44 and induced a fold from what was claimed to be 88, but I'm dubious that was what he had 88. The flop was dry (T53, I think), and 88 should be an easy call. Unfortunately, as players around me started busting, they kept getting replaced by names I recognized (for future reference if I recognize a name, that usually means they're pretty decent unless I know otherwise.) It was pretty ridiculous, actually.
Anyway, it was about 90 minutes later (3 blind levels later, anyway) when my next fun and exciting hand came up. With 21k on the BB at 400/800, I called a raise to 2000 from a player I'd been holding over all tournament with A4h. The flop came QsJh5h. I was presented a quandary - he had a shade under 13k in chips left after his raise preflop, while the pot had 4400. I could bet, but that left open a reasonable push scenario, which I did not want to face. Neither did I want to open-push, because that rather announced my hand. So I went for the checkraise, which should give me significant folding equity. Unfortunately, he checked behind. The turn was a really difficult card for me - the Ad. Now what do I do? Do I check/call? Do I bet/call or bet/fold? Out of uncertainty, I checked. He fired 3000 at the pot. I thought this bet over and decided that I likely had 12 clean outs. Was 12 clean outs enough to semibluff? I felt it was and pushed. He quickly called with the broadway straight (KT), but I spiked a 9 outer on the river to put me over 36k. You gotta get lucky.
Another big hand came shortly after when I raised in EMP with AQs I was called by the button, who took the place of the player I busted. The flop was Q high with two clubs. I bet and he called. The turn was a jack, which was an interesting card. I thought the player may ahve been floating on me and would bet the turn if I checked. I did indeed check, and he didn't disappoint. The board had become draw heaving (two clubs, QJ9 on board), so I was done playing and put him in. He folded, and that got me over 46k.
I didn't really get involved much from that point on. I was using my superior stack to bully shorter stacks with occasional reraises. Aside from the Matros 3bet hand every single reraise I made today took the pot down. You look like a genius when that's the case. I was over 60k with a few minutes to go, but I lost a pot shortly before the end of the day to drop to just below 54k that I ended the day with. Day 2 will have a redraw of tables, and will start with 800/1600 blinds. I'm quite confident of my chances. Hopefully I will be able to continue my effective reraising, but will mix in some more cards as well. I really wouldn't be upset if I card racked/luckboxed my way to the $240k first prize.
Friday, April 28, 2006
My favorite time of year!
Political Ad time!
As kinda seen by me. I wasn't really paying attention to the TV, I was doing Other Things, but I heard a politcal ad in the background, and 2 things stuck out:
middle of ad: "Some Guy rejected every proposal to raise taxes."
tagline of ad: "Versatile Leadership. Some Guy for Congress."
hey hey!
Finished 56th in the Party Super. That's not too shabby.
I was doing really well when the bubble broke, but then I bet a hand one street late, lost to a shorty's AQ with KQ, and was reduced to playing short stack poker. On the happy side, I got no action on my crap hands. On the unhappy side, I got no action with my aces, either. In fact, I had aces four times this tournament, but picked up the blinds on 3 of them. The fourth did result in a big pot relatively early on, though. Ultimately I busted pushing K5o from the CO for 7BB - the button had KK. It didn't end well.
I played well, I made a mistake when I bet the hand one street late, but that'll happen. I was getting cards and I was hitting draws pretty well, so I can't complain. Largely I was playing my cards until the end when I was playing my short stack.
Oh well, I'll take a solid result in a tournament, since they've been awfully rare, lately. Hopefully this is a good sign for me winning the Grand.
I have an eye doctor's appointment tomorrow. I don't think my prescription has worsened, but I need a new pair of glasses as Blizzard chewed my other pair up some time ago and I've just never gotten around to getting a new pair.
Oh, and enjoy this:
Thursday, April 27, 2006
tempting fate mentioning that I am DESTROYING the 5/10 6max on Party. My God, if you play limit holdem, stay the fuck away from these tables because they're mine.
I've been playing quite a bit since Monday, though I'm hardly grinding them. I know some people out there will 6+table these games, and I just can't do that. I have been playing only one or two at a time, but my results have been great.
Party: 43 minutes, 64 hands, -$146.50. Best table ever, had two players with VPIP (That's the percentage of time they play a hand, for y'all who aren't poker afficionados) of over 70, and one more over 50. They just caught disgustingly.
Full Tilt: 81 minutes, 129 hands, +$64. Actually quite a tough table, I should have stood up to better utilize my opportunity, but I was enjoying the challenge of playing with players who weren't total donks. It was fun.
Party: 66 minutes, 123 hands, +$252. I sat at this one after the first table here broke up (and after I stopped crying saying "COME BACK!"). It was still good, though not quite as good.
Party: 170 minutes, 341 hands, +$39. It was not as good a game as either of Mondays tables, and I wasn't hitting the deck as hard. I was playing pretty well and was up $200 shortly before the end, but I lost a couple of pots to the river and then made a couple of fatigue related errors. I noticed my play deteriorating (unfortunately after I made the errors) and stood up to stop the damage. When I had monsters I was not getting a ton of action.
Party: 113 minutes, 236 hands, +$439. Yeah, +$439. The table was awfully good, but I was just getting mowed over by the deck, with the benefit of getting a lot of action on my monsters. It's fun when the deck does this.
Lessons I've learned:
In this time period this week, there have been only a couple of hands where I really think I made a wrong play. There are certainly several more hands where I think I made a non-ideal play, but one which was still acceptable. The interesting thing about those hands is I am beginning to notice them as I make them. Previously, it would only be after the fact that I'd recognize the error of my ways. The goal is to recognize the potential for error BEFORE I make it, and not to make them.
I believe I'm making an awful lot of my profit from other players' mistakes. While I like to think that my play is causing an awful lot of their mistakes, I recognize that as I move up the ladder, the majority of the players won't call me down with weak aces just because they have no idea what I'm doing. As I mentioned above, I'm making some mistakes of my own. I really wonder if at 30/60 a player could be a winner just by not making any mistakes. My hypothesis has been that in NL Holdem a player, by 10/20, has to make winning plays to be a winner. It would stand to reason that this would apply at some point to limit as well, I just don't know where.
Ok, that's it for tonight. I'm pretty tired, but I'm ecstatic with how I've been playing in these games, and I thought I'd share it with you, dear readers, as it's been a while since I've been ecstatic with my poker play.
Oh, and I just can't WAIT for the poker room grand this weekend. I'm just giddy with excitement.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
linky time
For those of you who frequent my blog but do not often visit 2+2, here is a post I made there that I am very proud of. I think it's well written and insightful, and it served as a very helpful medicine in allowing me to get over this patch I'm in...
Monday, April 24, 2006
Well, this weekend was a continued failure. It came with the usual bad luck, but I mixed in some really awful play and some really good play, just for variety. I made a horrible play at the Party Million on Saturday, played about as well as possible given my service in the Big One, eked into the money after donking it up in the FT 40k, and busted out of the Saturday 200k after playing very well and getting horribly punished for it.
Today I managed to go 0/5 in 75%+ situations in a satellite to the stars million - since I'm mad at Stars anyway (I've always hated their tournament structure, so this is just a continuation) I didn't put any more efforts in.
I went out of the party 500k in the first hour, in glorious fashion. I lost a fifth of my chips early to a runner runner flush, lost half of my remaining stack value betting two pair into a set of aces (it was the one hand out of about 35 that was a realistic option for how he played the hand that beat me), and then had TPTK against a set. I was bet off a draw that hit the river and was raised off a weak hand by a weak player with 25o on the BB when the flop came 222 and people went apeshit with 44 and AQ. That was a little frustrating.
I played the Full Tilt 200k and again had two pair into a set of aces - though this time I was fairly certain he had it but I still felt obligated to call a value bet. I started with a very soft table and slowly kept accumulating chips. Unfortunately, that table broke, my new table was much tougher and I stopped getting hands. I had the two pair against the set, and then lost a coinflip to go out.
I also played the WSOP satellite on Full Tilt this evening. I played very well, picked up some chips early picking off bluffs, including a memorable hand when I button raised with AJo, got minreraised from a player who had no problems telegraphing his big pairs in this manner. The flop came ATrag, he bet I called. The turn was a baby, same deal and then the river was another baby and I called one more time, and he tabled jacks. I had snapped off a bluff of this player's a few hands previously, so I had no problem just calling with my moderate hand that was likely best. It was after these two plays that I was called an idiot and retarded by a couple at the table. The good thing about that - you're usually stacking chips. Unfortunately, that was it. I got KK a couple times, but couldn't get action on them, and QQ a couple times as well with no action. My moves with T2s, KQo and the like were getting heavy action, however. I ran into a shorty's KK with KTo, and I had a couple of favorites die to shorties. I was ground down, and at one point was 25th of 25 with 8BB.
I was down to about 6BB when I pushed in MP with 43o. The BB woke up with eights, but I was lucky for the first time all day and made trip threes. I really felt good after that, but I was ground right back into the red zone when I was forced to lay down KQ after I was reraised all in. What followed was some of the best short stack poker I've played. Obviously, it was great short stack poker because nobody was calling me when I was pushing with 94o, 57o and the like. I picked up queens again, but my push with that got no action either. I ultimately busted in 14th when I pushed with KQo, cracknaces picked up tens and protected, but I could not win the flip.
I was very pleased with the way I played today. I didn't get a lot of service, but played quite well. I got horribly unlucky repeatedly, both in terms of all ins (disregard the 43o> 88 for this) and in terms of my opponents having the one hand in a range that beat me. I'm feeling much better about my play than I was after the Party Million yesterday. Having said that, I think I'm still not playing consistently 100% - the results are seeping into my play.
This week I'm probably going to just play the 5/10 limit tables since I've been crushing them, maybe I'll play the heads up on stars since I'm doing well in those, and give the multis a miss until maybe Friday. If I get the tournament jones maybe I'll play some small buyins on Bugsy's or maybe I'll just blow steam in freerolls, since that's fun. I'm still definitely looking forward to the grand next weekend. Winning that would make up for a lot of these past three months...
Saturday, April 22, 2006
blatantly stolen from george carlin
I was going to go to bed, but then George Carlin showed up on my TV.
live and let live, that's my philosophy. anyone that doesn't agree
with it, well, take them outside and shoot the mother fucker.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Last time I ever post anything positive in my blog
4 tournaments today: party super, FT WSOP satellite, FT 17k, Party 40k.
Party super: top two couldn't fade a flush draw, then next hand I was in preflop with AK against AQ and done.
FT 17k: KK < ATo early.
Party 40k: AA < 8T to lose a bunch, straight < runner runner flush to lose most of the rest and top two < runner runner straight to lose the rest of the rest.
FT WSOP satellite: no hands all tournament, I lasted almost 2 hours through exclusively guile. Then I got QQ and was all in against aces.
Yet again: with no hands, I do great. With hands, boom.
A dissenting opinion
In my blog, I often leave the impression that I run awfully as a general rule. This is largely the case. However, every so often, I go on a retarded rush. For example, here's a nine hand sequence from last night's 5/10 limit session. I bought in for $200, and had dwindled down to $99 at the start of this, most of it going in a hand where I turned the 2nd nut straight and rivered the 2nd nut flush - both not good.
Full Tilt Poker Game #579879584: Table STL (speed, 6 max) - $5/$10 - Limit Hold'em - 0:42:18 ET - 2006/04/20
Seat 1: bossready ($659), is sitting out
Seat 2: Leandro16 ($178.50)
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn ($382)
Seat 4: GangSarge ($323)
Seat 5: THEOSU ($99)
Seat 6: mackthaknives ($44.50)
GangSarge posts the small blind of $2.50
THEOSU posts the big blind of $5
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to THEOSU [6c 6h]
mackthaknives calls $5
Leandro16 folds
LetsGoFishn folds
GangSarge calls $2.50
THEOSU checks
*** FLOP *** [9h As 6s]
GangSarge checks
THEOSU bets $5
mackthaknives raises to $10
GangSarge folds
THEOSU calls $5
*** TURN *** [9h As 6s] [2h]
THEOSU checks
mackthaknives bets $10
THEOSU raises to $20
mackthaknives calls $10
*** RIVER *** [9h As 6s 2h] [Qd]
THEOSU bets $10
mackthaknives calls $9.50, and is all in
Uncalled bet of $0.50 returned to THEOSU
*** SHOW DOWN ***
THEOSU shows [6c 6h] (three of a kind, Sixes)
mackthaknives mucks
THEOSU wins the pot ($92) with three of a kind, Sixes
mackthaknives is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $94 Rake $2
Board: [9h As 6s 2h Qd]
Seat 1: bossready is sitting out
Seat 2: Leandro16 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: GangSarge (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: THEOSU (big blind) showed [6c 6h] and won ($92) with three of a kind, Sixes
Seat 6: mackthaknives mucked [Ac Qs] - two pair, Aces and Queens
Full Tilt Poker Game #579881308: Table STL (speed, 6 max) - $5/$10 - Limit Hold'em - 0:43:00 ET - 2006/04/20
Seat 1: bossready ($659), is sitting out
Seat 2: Leandro16 ($178.50)
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn ($382)
Seat 4: GangSarge ($318)
Seat 5: THEOSU ($146.50)
Seat 6: mackthaknives ($0), is sitting out
THEOSU posts the small blind of $2.50
Leandro16 posts the big blind of $5
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to THEOSU [As Ks]
LetsGoFishn folds
GangSarge raises to $10
THEOSU raises to $15
Leandro16 calls $10
GangSarge calls $5
*** FLOP *** [2h Qs 9s]
THEOSU bets $5
Leandro16 calls $5
GangSarge calls $5
*** TURN *** [2h Qs 9s] [6h]
THEOSU bets $10
Leandro16 calls $10
GangSarge folds
*** RIVER *** [2h Qs 9s 6h] [Tc]
THEOSU checks
Leandro16 bets $10
GangSarge is sitting out
THEOSU calls $10
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Leandro16 shows [Ah 7h] (Ace Queen high)
THEOSU shows [As Ks] (Ace King high)
mackthaknives stands up
THEOSU wins the pot ($98) with Ace King high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $100 Rake $2
Board: [2h Qs 9s 6h Tc]
Seat 1: bossready is sitting out
Seat 2: Leandro16 (big blind) showed [Ah 7h] and lost with Ace Queen high
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: GangSarge (button) folded on the Turn
Seat 5: THEOSU (small blind) showed [As Ks] and won ($98) with Ace King high
Seat 6: mackthaknives is sitting out
Full Tilt Poker Game #579882935: Table STL (speed, 6 max) - $5/$10 - Limit Hold'em - 0:43:40 ET - 2006/04/20
Seat 1: bossready ($659), is sitting out
Seat 2: Leandro16 ($138.50)
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn ($382)
Seat 4: GangSarge ($298), is sitting out
Seat 5: THEOSU ($204.50)
Leandro16 posts the small blind of $2.50
LetsGoFishn posts the big blind of $5
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to THEOSU [Kc 9s]
THEOSU folds
Leandro16 calls $2.50
pistalpete1 sits down
LetsGoFishn checks
pistalpete1 adds $100
*** FLOP *** [Ts Jd As]
Leandro16 bets $5
LetsGoFishn calls $5
*** TURN *** [Ts Jd As] [4c]
Leandro16 bets $10
LetsGoFishn folds
Uncalled bet of $10 returned to Leandro16
GangSarge stands up
Leandro16 mucks
Leandro16 wins the pot ($19)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $20 Rake $1
Board: [Ts Jd As 4c]
Seat 1: bossready is sitting out
Seat 2: Leandro16 (small blind) collected ($19), mucked
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 4: GangSarge is sitting out
Seat 5: THEOSU (button) didn't bet (folded)
Full Tilt Poker Game #579883897: Table STL (speed, 6 max) - $5/$10 - Limit Hold'em - 0:44:03 ET - 2006/04/20
Seat 1: bossready ($659), is sitting out
Seat 2: Leandro16 ($147.50)
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn ($372)
Seat 5: THEOSU ($204.50)
Seat 6: pistalpete1 ($100)
LetsGoFishn posts the small blind of $2.50
THEOSU posts the big blind of $5
pistalpete1 posts $5
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to THEOSU [8h Js]
pistalpete1 raises to $10
Leandro16 calls $10
LetsGoFishn folds
THEOSU calls $5
*** FLOP *** [7c Kd 2d]
THEOSU checks
pistalpete1 bets $5
Leandro16 raises to $10
THEOSU folds
pistalpete1 calls $5
*** TURN *** [7c Kd 2d] [2c]
pistalpete1 checks
Leandro16 bets $10
pistalpete1 calls $10
*** RIVER *** [7c Kd 2d 2c] [Qc]
pistalpete1 checks
Leandro16 bets $10
pistalpete1 calls $10
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Leandro16 shows [Ks 9s] (two pair, Kings and Twos)
pistalpete1 mucks
Leandro16 wins the pot ($90.50) with two pair, Kings and Twos
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $92.50 Rake $2
Board: [7c Kd 2d 2c Qc]
Seat 1: bossready is sitting out
Seat 2: Leandro16 (button) showed [Ks 9s] and won ($90.50) with two pair, Kings and Twos
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: THEOSU (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 6: pistalpete1 mucked [Ad Qs] - two pair, Queens and Twos
Full Tilt Poker Game #579885405: Table STL (speed, 6 max) - $5/$10 - Limit Hold'em - 0:44:40 ET - 2006/04/20
Seat 1: bossready ($659), is sitting out
Seat 2: Leandro16 ($198)
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn ($369.50)
Seat 5: THEOSU ($194.50)
Seat 6: pistalpete1 ($60)
THEOSU posts the small blind of $2.50
pistalpete1 posts the big blind of $5
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to THEOSU [Jd 2s]
Leandro16 folds
Dalmar sits down
LetsGoFishn folds
THEOSU folds
Uncalled bet of $2.50 returned to pistalpete1
pistalpete1 mucks
pistalpete1 wins the pot ($5)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $5 Rake $0
Seat 1: bossready is sitting out
Seat 2: Leandro16 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: THEOSU (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: pistalpete1 (big blind) collected ($5), mucked
Full Tilt Poker Game #579885965: Table STL (speed, 6 max) - $5/$10 - Limit Hold'em - 0:44:53 ET - 2006/04/20
Dalmar adds $169.50
Seat 1: bossready ($659), is sitting out
Seat 2: Leandro16 ($198)
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn ($369.50)
Seat 5: THEOSU ($192)
Seat 6: pistalpete1 ($62.50)
pistalpete1 posts the small blind of $2.50
Leandro16 posts the big blind of $5
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to THEOSU [5d 8s]
LetsGoFishn folds
THEOSU folds
pistalpete1 calls $2.50
Leandro16 checks
*** FLOP *** [4d Kd 2s]
pistalpete1 bets $5
Leandro16 folds
Uncalled bet of $5 returned to pistalpete1
pistalpete1 mucks
pistalpete1 wins the pot ($10)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $10 Rake $0
Board: [4d Kd 2s]
Seat 1: bossready is sitting out
Seat 2: Leandro16 (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: THEOSU (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: pistalpete1 (small blind) collected ($10), mucked
Full Tilt Poker Game #579886946: Table STL (speed, 6 max) - $5/$10 - Limit Hold'em - 0:45:17 ET - 2006/04/20
Seat 1: bossready ($659), is sitting out
Seat 2: Leandro16 ($193)
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn ($369.50)
Seat 4: Dalmar ($169.50)
Seat 5: THEOSU ($192)
Seat 6: pistalpete1 ($67.50)
Leandro16 posts the small blind of $2.50
LetsGoFishn posts the big blind of $5
Dalmar posts $5
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to THEOSU [Kc Qs]
Dalmar checks
THEOSU raises to $10
pistalpete1 folds
Leandro16 calls $7.50
LetsGoFishn calls $5
Dalmar calls $5
*** FLOP *** [Js 6c Th]
Leandro16 checks
LetsGoFishn checks
Dalmar checks
THEOSU bets $5
Leandro16 calls $5
LetsGoFishn folds
Dalmar calls $5
*** TURN *** [Js 6c Th] [9h]
Leandro16 checks
Dalmar bets $10
THEOSU raises to $20
Leandro16 raises to $30
Dalmar raises to $40
THEOSU calls $20
Leandro16 calls $10
*** RIVER *** [Js 6c Th 9h] [7d]
Leandro16 checks
Dalmar bets $10
THEOSU raises to $20
Leandro16 calls $20
Dalmar calls $10
*** SHOW DOWN ***
THEOSU shows [Kc Qs] (a straight, King high)
Leandro16 mucks
Dalmar mucks
THEOSU wins the pot ($233) with a straight, King high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $235 Rake $2
Board: [Js 6c Th 9h 7d]
Seat 1: bossready is sitting out
Seat 2: Leandro16 (small blind) mucked [Tc Jc] - two pair, Jacks and Tens
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: Dalmar mucked [Qh 8s] - a straight, Queen high
Seat 5: THEOSU showed [Kc Qs] and won ($233) with a straight, King high
Seat 6: pistalpete1 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Full Tilt Poker Game #579889898: Table STL (speed, 6 max) - $5/$10 - Limit Hold'em - 0:46:31 ET - 2006/04/20
Seat 1: bossready ($659), is sitting out
Seat 2: Leandro16 ($118)
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn ($359.50)
Seat 4: Dalmar ($94.50)
Seat 5: THEOSU ($350)
Seat 6: pistalpete1 ($67.50)
LetsGoFishn posts the small blind of $2.50
Dalmar posts the big blind of $5
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to THEOSU [5c Jc]
THEOSU folds
pistalpete1 calls $5
Leandro16 calls $5
LetsGoFishn calls $2.50
Dalmar checks
*** FLOP *** [Ac 7d Th]
LetsGoFishn checks
Dalmar checks
pistalpete1 bets $5
Leandro16 folds
bossready has returned
LetsGoFishn folds
Dalmar folds
Uncalled bet of $5 returned to pistalpete1
pistalpete1 mucks
pistalpete1 wins the pot ($19)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $20 Rake $1
Board: [Ac 7d Th]
Seat 1: bossready is sitting out
Seat 2: Leandro16 (button) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: Dalmar (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: THEOSU didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: pistalpete1 collected ($19), mucked
Full Tilt Poker Game #579891337: Table STL (speed, 6 max) - $5/$10 - Limit Hold'em - 0:47:08 ET - 2006/04/20
Seat 1: bossready ($659)
Seat 2: Leandro16 ($113)
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn ($354.50)
Seat 4: Dalmar ($89.50)
Seat 5: THEOSU ($350)
Seat 6: pistalpete1 ($81.50)
Dalmar posts the small blind of $2.50
THEOSU posts the big blind of $5
bossready posts a dead small blind of $2.50
bossready posts $5
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to THEOSU [Kd Ah]
pistalpete1 raises to $10
bossready calls $5
Leandro16 calls $10
LetsGoFishn folds
Dalmar calls $7.50
THEOSU calls $5
*** FLOP *** [Qh Tc 8s]
Dalmar checks
THEOSU checks
pistalpete1 checks
bossready has 7 seconds left to act
bossready bets $5
Leandro16 folds
Dalmar folds
THEOSU calls $5
pistalpete1 calls $5
*** TURN *** [Qh Tc 8s] [Jc]
THEOSU checks
pistalpete1 bets $10
bossready calls $10
THEOSU raises to $20
pistalpete1 calls $10
bossready has 7 seconds left to act
bossready is sitting out
bossready folds
*** RIVER *** [Qh Tc 8s Jc] [As]
bossready has returned
THEOSU bets $10
pistalpete1 calls $10
*** SHOW DOWN ***
THEOSU shows [Kd Ah] (a straight, Ace high)
pistalpete1 mucks
THEOSU wins the pot ($134.50) with a straight, Ace high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $137.50 Rake $3
Board: [Qh Tc 8s Jc As]
Seat 1: bossready folded on the Turn
Seat 2: Leandro16 folded on the Flop
Seat 3: LetsGoFishn (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Dalmar (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: THEOSU (big blind) showed [Kd Ah] and won ($134.50) with a straight, Ace high
Seat 6: pistalpete1 mucked [Ts Td] - three of a kind, Tens
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
back to poker
tournaments are a lot more fun when you hit.
party super wednesday is limit.
I had two 15 outers on the flop and an 18 outer, and hit none of them.
I'm not going to do too well when that's the case.
Yet another non-poker post
I am now allowed to release this information to the world:
Debbie is pregnant. She has exited her first trimester, and a checkup today reported that everything was going well. The baby's due date is, as of now, October 24th. WTG me!
This only makes it all the more imperative that I win the WSOP Main Event.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Easter Weekend
Easter weekend has become a very difficult weekend for me. I won't get into the reasoning, but it has to do with the fact that I was born and raised Catholic, and I'm not Catholic any more. I don't know what I am, I just know what I'm not. So it's tough.
Blizzard (our dog, for those of you not in the know) got his first glimpse at a baby today. We went over Debbie's brother's place, and visited with them and their newborn son Justin. Blizzard was confused/intrigued/etc. It will be interesting when that time comes. It was damn entertaining, though.
The drive home was the single worst drive home on a non-Thanksgiving Sunday non-snow event. Awful traffic, the weather wasn't awesome, the driving was subpar. Lots of accelerate/brake/accelerate/brake instead of just going a constant speed. Then, a guy cut me off twice in a row. The first time I honked vociferously (I had to go from 65 to 20 in about 2 seconds) and flashed my brights. The second I just left them on. He was in an expedition, so I don't think the brights of my Lumina really impaced him much, but it made me feel better. Ultimately he changed lanes right into one that stopped and I never saw him again. I was quite happy.
That's about it for the weekend. I'm pretty damn tired after that drive, so it'll be an early night. At least I didn't take an 0-fer this weekend, like last weekend.
Friday, April 14, 2006
I hate it when that happens.
I don't feel like retyping this out, so here's an IM convo I had with Mike just now:
Raw Yason [12:21 AM]: so i'm knocking down a bowl of cocoa krispies
DomiFanOtherKid [12:21 AM]: holla
Raw Yason [12:22 AM]: and i get to the bottom whereupon i commence the tipped bowl shoveling of the remnants/drinking of the milk
DomiFanOtherKid [12:22 AM]: all over your blouse?
Raw Yason [12:22 AM]: when i see a dead gnat on the bowl
DomiFanOtherKid [12:22 AM]: ooooh
Raw Yason [12:22 AM]: so.. we're done
DomiFanOtherKid [12:22 AM]: :(
Raw Yason [12:22 AM]: this thought process went through my head:
Raw Yason [12:23 AM]: "ok, it's probablky been in there i'm sure i've alrady consumed quite a lot that's been in contact with it. I can finish this off without having that thing come any closer"
Raw Yason [12:23 AM]: because, you know, i really like cocoa krispies
Raw Yason [12:23 AM]: then i came to my senses "wtf? There's a dead fucking fly in here"
Raw Yason [12:23 AM]: and down the disposal it went
DomiFanOtherKid [12:24 AM]: :(
Illinois is probably having a lot of fun right about now:

Wednesday, April 12, 2006
What my state is working on
In case you're wondering, this is what the State of Ohio is working on:
Sub S.B. 9 (as passed by the Senate)
· Requires the Director of Public Safety to develop a questionnaire to be used by the state, instrumentalities of the state, and political subdivisions of the state in determining whether any potential employee has provided material assistance to an organization listed on the U.S. Department of State Terrorist Exclusion List, requires the Director to make available to the state, instrumentalities of the state, and political subdivisions of the state a copy of the questionnaire and a then-current copy of the Exclusion List, requires that a copy of the questionnaire and that Exclusion List be provided to each person under final consideration for employment with the state, a state instrumentality, or a political subdivision, requires each person under final consideration for such employment who is provided a copy of the questionnaire to complete it, and provides that any answer of "yes" to any of the questions must be considered a disclosure by the person that the person has provided material
assistance to an organization listed on the Exclusion List.
· Generally prohibits the state, a state instrumentality, or a political subdivision of the state from employing any person who discloses on the questionnaire the provision of material assistance to an organization listed on the U.S. Department of
State Terrorist Exclusion List.
Basically, what this means is that the State of Ohio is protecting themselves from terrorists by asking potential state employees if they support terrorists or are, in fact, a terrorist. I see no way this could be gotten around.
You know what's protecting this state from terrorists? THE FACT THAT WE'RE NOT NEW YORK, D.C. OR CALIFORNIA. I cannot imagine a group of terrorists sitting around saying "yes, let's attack Ohio! It's the heart of it all. They'll really feel it there."
Good thing we're working on this instead of, you know, trying to figure out why our state keeps moving down on all economic indicators compared with the rest of the nation. I'm sure he's only like 2% repsonsible for this latest gem, but I blame Bob Taft for it, too.
weird day
Well, after yesterday's weird 28th place finish in the Super, I would also classify today as weird, for a few reasons:
I went 1/3 in coinflips today. Both times I lost I had the overs. Both times my opponents made quads.
I saw players turbocall allin for like 20BB with 66. That's not a bad thing - I made pushes with TT, KK and AK. The AK time they made quads (as mentioned above), the KK they folded and the TT they spiked a set on the river. Can't win them all.
I 2 tabled the 5/10 limit again for a couple hours this evening, finishing -15BB for the night. I'm happy with the result though, I was getting donkified horribly (and rivered horribly and cold carded and whatnot). I fought my way back from over double that hole to get there, so I'm pleased. I didn't tilt, either, which was nice.
Indians are 6-1, that's good. Travis Hafner is crazy awesome.
Today it almost got up to 80, it was sunny all day, and I was sick all day. That's just a miserable combination. I'm not happy about it.
The PokerRoom Grand is in 2 and a half weeks. I just realized that I am really really looking forward to it. I plan on winning, unlike last time when I did not win.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
1/2 today
28th in the Super Monday, but could not do anything in pokerroom's ace of spades.
Super Monday was weird weird weird. I won 3 coinflips in a row and had TT > AA, but took a couple beats as well. I felt I should have done better, but I had several calls which were mandatory due to odds that I did not win (and was behind on, I think, every one of them) that cost me quite a few chips. Also, I lost a lot when I decided to not reraise with 88 and lost quite a bit postflop on a turn bet which gave the guy the straight. Busted when 88 < KK, which is weird, since 88 usually pwns KK.
The Ace of Spades I just couldn't get anything going.
It was a good morale boost after yesterday, although winning wouldn't have sucked.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Sunday, April 09, 2006
I hate poker
0-5 in the Sunday tourneys.
I was chipleading with less than 100 to go at Pokerroom (40 paid) but went out in 50th as I ran into aces 3 times in an hour.
I had KK run into AA today, went 1/4 in coinflips, won a dominated hand exactly once all day for all of 3BB, lost a few dominating hands, got rivered repeatedly, had donkey plays against me go good, had overpairs lose and just generally ran like shit, just as I have for the better part of 3 months.
This will end, eventually, but it can't happen soon enough.
Late on a Saturday
I just busted from the 200k on Party with AA against TT in 205th. Nothing I can do about that.
It had been a frustrating week till last night, when I finished 11th for a nice payday at the Friday Special on Party. Unfortunately, I think it should have been much higher. Fortunately, I had no business even being there, so getting anything is nice.
I was chipleader with 19 left in the tournament, and was still top 2 or 3 with about 16 left when I misclick called a reraise all in with A6. It was a rather significant portion of my stack (though I was still shortly over average after the call). He had 66 and I did not hit. That really cost me some momentum. I pulled together after it, but I just could not get it started again. I ultimately went out pushing 5h5 on the 89A all heart flop. I was called by 89 and I was unable to hit any of my 11 outs.
While on the one hand it's frustrating to know that a misclick cost me, at the very least, a significant chunk of change, I'm not too torn up over it. As I said, I had no business being there - I had 3BB with 150 left, and was saved by a river king with KJ against A7 with about 120 left. I also went 2/3 in coinflips, so there's that. I've been saying for a while - just think what could happen if I get just a little lucky - and that's what happened.
As for the rest of the week, pretty mundane. I spent most of it getting close to the money but falling short, including finishing 42nd when 40 paid on Wednesday's 75k on UB. I'm playing very well, though, so I'm feeling very good.
I'm also feeling very good about the Indians. They've started quite well and are even 1-0 in one run games! I feel confident in saying that if Aaron Boone and Casey Blake continue to hit over .350 we'll be very tough to beat. Heh.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
monday fun
Stars 150 lasted 1 hand. AK < QQ as QQ made quads.
Lost 2 $50 heads up matches, as in the first one my opponent was all in 7 times and lived all 7, despite being a wide variety of favorite/dog. I couldn't fade my 2nd all in. The other one the guy caught two inside straights. That pretty much says it all.
Played the 17k crapshoot on FT again for variety. Wow, people just LOVE giving their chips away in that tournament. I was 1st in chips after a half hour, 3rd in chips at the first break, and then I stopped making hands and started running into monsters, and was out before the 2nd break. The final hand I had KTo call my all in on the 864 flop. No pair, no draw (that wasn't runner runner). He caught a couple spades to make a flush, and that was that.
Sometimes they give them away, and sometimes fate intervenes and says "nope, these chips will not stay with you."
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Sunday wrapup
Stars $1m gtd: I got up to 10k in the second hour, but then fell from there when I could not eliminate a couple shorties, then went stone cold card dead. Ultimately I pushed in hour 3 with A3 for 7BB (something I really try not to do, but at stars chip accumulation is absolutely necessary, so bad pushes like that are really the order of the day) - I ran into aces.
Party $500k gtd: Awesome table to start, full of people who were keen on giving their chips away with two particular ATMs. It took me a while to get going, but once I did I was a force. I would build my stack up, lose a coinflip to drop well down, then build it back. This happened twice, the second coinflip loss would have put me in the top 20 in the tournament in chips. unfazed, I went right back at it. Finally, I lost a third coinflip which would have again put me top 20 in the tournament in chips with 600 left. I couldn't rebuild my stack a 3rd time, and busted 100 short of the money.
FT $200k gtd: First time they've made this a weekly event, there was a $6600 overlay. I got a nice stack early when people threw their chips at me (something that was a theme for the day). I finally put my first beat on a player in what seems like a month when I eliminated a medium stack with KQ to his AK. Unfortunately, I went card dead around the bubble, but was able to maintain my stack enough to be dangerous. The bubble burst, and I had moved into the top 30 of the 100 left when I misplayed a hand horribly. The button in the hand had a standard raise of minimum, so nothing could be read by his minraise.
Full Tilt Poker Game #541070733: $200,000 Guarantee! (3266293), Table 92 - 1200/2400 Ante 300 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:34:44 ET - 2006/04/02
Seat 1: THEOSU (41,776)
Seat 2: gonzo69 (16,830)
Seat 3: WRONA666 (33,875)
Seat 4: Erick Lindgren (66,718)
Seat 6: WitweMacher (7,356)
Seat 7: Clown (22,935)
Seat 8: C2CHarley (50,672)
Seat 9: smheilbron (43,762)
THEOSU antes 300
gonzo69 antes 300
WRONA666 antes 300
Erick Lindgren antes 300
WitweMacher antes 300
Clown antes 300
C2CHarley antes 300
smheilbron antes 300
smheilbron posts the small blind of 1,200
THEOSU posts the big blind of 2,400
The button is in seat #8
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to THEOSU [Qc 6h]
gonzo69 folds
WRONA666 folds
Erick Lindgren folds
WitweMacher folds
Clown folds
C2CHarley raises to 4,800
smheilbron folds
THEOSU calls 2,400
*** FLOP *** [3h 7d 2h]
Bronco232 (Observer): highplaya is the only repeat winner of this
THEOSU checks
C2CHarley bets 6,000
THEOSU calls 6,000
I called the flop bet in the expectation of leading the turn with a bet to take it down. I thought this had a high percentage chance of working as this player had made bets similar to this with draws and trash.
*** TURN *** [3h 7d 2h] [Qd]
THEOSU checks
C2CHarley bets 38,400
Here is where I should have taken my time. I hit my card, so I checked again. I think this was my first error - I should have come right out and bet it anyway as I had planned to. Anyway, I checked and he overbet to put me in. This was new. He'd done this on the river when he'd made his hand, but he'd NEVER done this on the turn since he'd been at the table. I really really should have thought this through and folded, but instead I rather quickly called.
THEOSU calls 30,676, and is all in
C2CHarley shows [As Ac]
THEOSU shows [Qc 6h]
Uncalled bet of 7,724 returned to C2CHarley
*** RIVER *** [3h 7d 2h Qd] [Ks]
C2CHarley shows a pair of Aces
THEOSU shows a pair of Queens
C2CHarley wins the pot (86,552) with a pair of Aces
THEOSU stands up
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 86,552 Rake 0
Board: [3h 7d 2h Qd Ks]
Seat 1: THEOSU (big blind) showed [Qc 6h] and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 2: gonzo69 folded before the Flop
Seat 3: WRONA666 folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Erick Lindgren folded before the Flop
Seat 6: WitweMacher folded before the Flop
Seat 7: Clown folded before the Flop
Seat 8: C2CHarley (button) showed [As Ac] and won (86,552) with a pair of Aces
Seat 9: smheilbron (small blind) folded before the Flop
Unlike an awful lot of the bad play that's been in existence against me over the past week, I was unable to suck out.
I think I played really well today. I made one huge error and paid for it dearly, however. I'm extremely frustrated at the Party result - I win either of those two massive coinflips and who knows. The FT error will probably gnaw at me for a bit because it was pretty foolish. But, I've already taken the lesson from it - I need to take my time in these situations. I know that's a stupid lesson to be learning now, but I think every so often all of us make mistakes that we shouldn't, and all of us have to relearn stupid lessons.