Late on a Saturday
I just busted from the 200k on Party with AA against TT in 205th. Nothing I can do about that.
It had been a frustrating week till last night, when I finished 11th for a nice payday at the Friday Special on Party. Unfortunately, I think it should have been much higher. Fortunately, I had no business even being there, so getting anything is nice.
I was chipleader with 19 left in the tournament, and was still top 2 or 3 with about 16 left when I misclick called a reraise all in with A6. It was a rather significant portion of my stack (though I was still shortly over average after the call). He had 66 and I did not hit. That really cost me some momentum. I pulled together after it, but I just could not get it started again. I ultimately went out pushing 5h5 on the 89A all heart flop. I was called by 89 and I was unable to hit any of my 11 outs.
While on the one hand it's frustrating to know that a misclick cost me, at the very least, a significant chunk of change, I'm not too torn up over it. As I said, I had no business being there - I had 3BB with 150 left, and was saved by a river king with KJ against A7 with about 120 left. I also went 2/3 in coinflips, so there's that. I've been saying for a while - just think what could happen if I get just a little lucky - and that's what happened.
As for the rest of the week, pretty mundane. I spent most of it getting close to the money but falling short, including finishing 42nd when 40 paid on Wednesday's 75k on UB. I'm playing very well, though, so I'm feeling very good.
I'm also feeling very good about the Indians. They've started quite well and are even 1-0 in one run games! I feel confident in saying that if Aaron Boone and Casey Blake continue to hit over .350 we'll be very tough to beat. Heh.
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