I hate it when that happens.
I don't feel like retyping this out, so here's an IM convo I had with Mike just now:
Raw Yason [12:21 AM]: so i'm knocking down a bowl of cocoa krispies
DomiFanOtherKid [12:21 AM]: holla
Raw Yason [12:22 AM]: and i get to the bottom whereupon i commence the tipped bowl shoveling of the remnants/drinking of the milk
DomiFanOtherKid [12:22 AM]: all over your blouse?
Raw Yason [12:22 AM]: when i see a dead gnat on the bowl
DomiFanOtherKid [12:22 AM]: ooooh
Raw Yason [12:22 AM]: so.. we're done
DomiFanOtherKid [12:22 AM]: :(
Raw Yason [12:22 AM]: this thought process went through my head:
Raw Yason [12:23 AM]: "ok, it's probablky been in there i'm sure i've alrady consumed quite a lot that's been in contact with it. I can finish this off without having that thing come any closer"
Raw Yason [12:23 AM]: because, you know, i really like cocoa krispies
Raw Yason [12:23 AM]: then i came to my senses "wtf? There's a dead fucking fly in here"
Raw Yason [12:23 AM]: and down the disposal it went
DomiFanOtherKid [12:24 AM]: :(
Illinois is probably having a lot of fun right about now:

LOL Makes me think of the time I had a Hawaiian Blizzard from Dairy Queen. I had 2 mouthfulls when I discovered hidden in the middle of the yumminess was a giant sized moth!! I couldn't do it. I threw the whole thing out & couldn't eat Blizzards for years. LOL
Wow..... I found "something" in a salad once.. UGH!
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