Tuesday, March 28, 2006

catching up

As I said, I went to Cleveland this weekend for my nephew's christening. Things are much better off for him - the doctor diagnosed him with acid reflux disease and prescribed a couple of medications to treat it. They're doing the trick, as he seemed very happy and was able to have a bottle without a problem. And he's a damn cute kid.

I had a very good finish last night in the Super Monday, taking 33rd. I got some good cards, but I ran pretty shitty in the tournament, losing with KK to QQ all in preflop in the 2nd hour that would have put me top 10, KK to AQ with 39 left or so when I was 3rd in the tournament in the chips that dropped me to average - that pot would have put me in the lead by a MILE and AJ to AQ on a JT9 flop. I did win two coinflips, one against a 2BB shorty and one of which was very key.

I also had a good result at poker room in the Ace of Aces tournament, although it didn't have any money involved. I finished in 14th when 10 paid. I was 3rd in the tournament with 19 left, but then people stopped folding, I made one bad call and TT ran into aces.

Tonight... We went back to standard. I couldn't make a hand in the super Tuesday, was down to 3500 chips on the last hand before break when I flopped a flush with 8s7s as the board came 6s3s2s. I bet and got 2 calls. The turn was an offsuit king. A player bet ahead of me, I pushed and he called with Ks8. Spade on the river, buhbye.

I entered the WPT Championship satellite on Full Tilt as well. One package for every 135 entrants, 166 entered so I had to win to get the seat. I got up to 4k nearing the end of the first hour when 68 < 28 on the 88A flop, then I lost a coinflip when 22 decided to die behind a raise, and could not hit a 15 outer, and out I went.

Back to normal. It really doesn't feel good.


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