i am so hot
Friday Special on Party. About 8 hands in, EP raises, called, I call the button with 44, SB repops it, and all of us call. Flop is 8T4, two diamonds. SB bets, EP moves in, I call, SB folds. EP did all this nonsense with J9 of diamonds, and it the flush. I win a coinflip to double up, I get donated another double up, and then lose a flip to go out.
55k on Stars. I don't know why I played, because my mind wasn't in it at all. I went a total of 0-3 in coinflips in the tournament, though I did win with AJ against AK during the rebuy period.
Back to standard, we are.
I woke up this morning to find out that the guy who busted me last night won, and a guy who open moved in for 100K at 2k/4k with guys who covered him in the blinds finished 2nd. (he had AK, a guy with 50k and AA called and two kings flopped). It's kinda sick to wake up in the morning and find out that the key was luckboxing it and not actually being good.
I was going to post a couple hands from last night this evening, but I am so friggin tired.
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