Friday, May 20, 2005

nice run

Well, after going out 2nd in a FT $100 tourney (KK v. AA) on Wednesday, I've had a nice run of results at the SnGs. A first, a couple of seconds and a 2 way chop have helped me feel really good.

I'm playing these SnGs I think quite properly. My strategy in them is to try to finish in the top 2. If it's clear that I have to play for 3rd - I will do so, but I prefer to play for at least 2nd. It works out best in the long run. Aside from that, my SnG strategy is really not very different from moderate depth money in a tournament which, let's face it, is exactly what it is. Use position wisely, try to get a read on your opponents in the short time available, and when you've got the ability to drop a hammer, do so. Bubble play is the same as a normal tournament bubble. If players are playing cautiously to ensure they money, accumulate chips. If the going is fast and furious, lay back, let them bust and get yourself some money and then open. If you have the chips, use them.

I've also had the benefit of some good luck. Yesterday I won a few coinflips, and when I was ahead I generally stayed ahead. The poor play wasn't being rewarded - in fact it was being actively punished from time to time. It's always nice when that happens.

As I mentioned last time, I'm really looking forward to playing Sunday. On the rare occasions I have gotten to play a live tournament, I have played really well. My concentration is always top of the line in these, and I have gotten some good results despite some mediocre cards. I haven't seen a blind structure, but I'm hoping that there's room for some play. I believe there will be. If/when I do well Sunday, the finals will be the following Sunday, with a guaranteed top prize of either $25K or a Main Event seat, $15K and airfare/lodging in Vegas. A couple months ago I'd be tempted by the former (and I think that's the option my brother would go for) but there's no doubt in my mind which I'd choose now...


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