Wednesday, May 18, 2005

It's been a while

I took a few days off from posting here. I've still been playing, but the luck's been rough. A lot of bad beats at the cash table, and a few in key points in tournaments. I've also had some cold cards in big tournaments, the Sunday at Stars sticking out memorably.

I've transitioned to play at SnGs for a while instead of cash games... Well, SnGs and tournaments. The upside is when I take a beat, I'm able to cool off quickly. I've taken a few too many lately, and it's really impacted how I'm playing, I'm sad to say.

Just as I was finishing writing this short one, I took two 2 out beats at one Sit and Go, and a three outer at the other to finish in sixth and the bubble, respectively. It's getting really agitating. Each of the two out players on the one SnG had already hit a two outer in the satellite, and at the other table - the player was Godawful and was just getting lucky. Getting it all in with AT against AK, an underpair, and got the good side of a coinflip. This player, whose stack had become reduced, called my AI with A3s with the other big stack still in the hand.

Ah, well, I was hoping this wouldn't degenerate into a bad beat story.

Back on track: I'm alive, I'm shifting to the 30/3 SnGs on Stars, planning on mixing in a few tournaments (particularly on weekends). The play at these SnGs is really borderline awful, so I'm banking on my skill eventually outweighing their shithouse luck. It's been a dead heat so far.

Oh! And I'm going to play live this weekend in Dayton. These guys seem to be really popular around here, so I'll give them a whirl. My brother and I are hitting them up on Sunday. Should be fun.


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