Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Wednesday's Poker Post

Hi. It's been a few days since I've posted, nad I just wanted to let all of you know that yes, I am still here. <3 you all.

Anyway, I've failed miserably in my desire to avoid playing any tournaments during the workweek. I knew I would, so I'm not very disappointed in myself or anything. As usual, I've not actually accomplished anything in them, other than reestablishing just how not good I am at coinflips or running hot or anything. So there's that.

I've done really well in the 5/10 game since then, though it's not all been rosy. I did have one session yesterday that was rough - I dropped 28 big bets. It was a combination of factors - I struggled to hit, I got repeatedly outdrawn. I also had a nasty habit of betting for value when I ultimately was 2nd best and checking through winners. That's just not fun when you're wrong like 75% of the time.

I stood up from that after a set got outdrawn by an inside straight, regrouped and came back and won most of it back. I still was ahead at the game for the day because in an early session I managed to somehow put a guy on tilt. I'm not sure how - I didn't lay any ridiculous beats on him or anything. Near as I can tell, I held over him for 3 or 4 consecutive hands, and then all of the sudden he's isolating every time I raise, which really worked out very well for me.

That's about it. Pretty nondescript, really.


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