Wednesday, November 09, 2005

update on the storms

So, flipping through the local channels here. One station just says "TORNADO WARNING" in the bottom right corner during King of the Hill. Apparently we're all warned.

The other channels are talking about the tornado warning to our southeast. The weatherman says that if a tornado is coming, you need to seek shelter immediately. Do not go outside and look at it.

On the one hand, duh. On the other hand, we don't have a basement, so if a tornader is on the way, I might as well stand outside and watch it until it's right next door, since that's something I've wanted to do before I died, anyway. Just not as I died.


At 09:17, Blogger Rowebote said...

I understand that holding a long metal rod while tornado viewing as you describe will provide ample lighting so you can see everything better...


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