Friday, November 04, 2005

Acceptable Tradeoff

I have not moneyed in any of the past 8 or so tournaments in which I've played. I got kinda close tonight in the stars 45K rebuy, but it was not to be.

However, I've absolutely DEMOLISHED the 2/4 games during this time.

If I am going to run cold in the tournaments, having me run over the cash games is, in fact, an acceptable substitution. Winning the postflop coinflips helps immensely.

I just bought Poker Tracker. I'm not sure what took me so damn long, but I finally broke down and did it. It's kinda fun, though I certainly am still quite remarkably clueless about the whole thing. It considered me Semi-Loose-Aggressive/Aggressive, which is pretty much right. Give just enough action to get my monsters paid, but avoid giving the action to pay theirs. It's a tight balance.

Basically, I ask myself "What would Layne Flack do?"


At 15:24, Blogger Rowebote said...

See that's my problem. I ask myself, "What would Tiffany Williamson do?"

At 21:30, Blogger jason said...

no no no no no. It takes no time at all. Tiffany Williamson would think. And think. And think some more.


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