Saturday, October 14, 2006

Not a very good day

My grandfather passed this morning. It hit me pretty hard today, much harder than really anything else has hit me. I think an awful lot of it is that he was about to become a great-grandfather for the first time and was really looking forward to it incredibly. Another significant part is that he was doing so much better that I thought he'd be fine, then out of seemingly nowhere he passed. So, as you can imagine I didn't have a very good day, but I was able to leave work early and take Blizzard to the park and have a nice long walk to clear my mind, which really helped.

Obviously, as you can infer from all this, I'm not yet a father. I have no idea what I will do in regards to his funeral. It's going to be really tough either way.

I had a much longer entry that I planned to write out, but when I decided to finally start typing this up, it was pretty tough to do. So we'll leave it short. Mom said that she told him to pick out an angel to send down through my son, so hopefully for her sake he'll decide he's ready to be born this weekend and REALLY help lift her spirits.


At 02:11, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm so sorry. My deepest sympathies.

At 10:07, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your grandfather I was very close with my grandparents and my oldest daughter's middle name is Grace after my grandmother, she was lucky enough to live to 91 and see her great granddaughter if only for 9 months but it made her very happy. My dad passed away 4 months before our wedding and that was really tough. It's never easy but when it happens before life's big events it's amplified.


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