two things
People suck:
The chain saws started in February, when the federal Fish and Wildlife Service put Boiling Spring Lakes on notice that rapid development threatened to squeeze out the woodpecker.
The agency issued a map marking 15 active woodpecker “clusters,” and announced it was working on a new one that could potentially designate whole neighborhoods of this town in southeastern North Carolina as protected habitat, subject to more-stringent building restrictions.
Hoping to beat the mapmakers, landowners swarmed City Hall to apply for lot-clearing permits. Treeless land, after all, would not need to be set aside for woodpeckers. Since February, the city has issued 368 logging permits, a vast majority without accompanying building permits.
Second (This is pretty much only of note and interest to my former Hawken classmates. If you are not one, you probably won't get this at all):
I was passive aggressively performing violence on somebody today (that is to say, I was contemplating all the ways in which I would perform violence on that person if I was not also attempting to avoid any sort of confrontation). One of the violences I was going to perform on the guy was to drop a Fedikovich Elbow on him. That is all.
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