it's my blog and i can pepper it with pictures if i want to
just two: unhappy jason and halloweeny jason.

A busy week, but a fun week. Jason is healthy - he's gaining weight again. Debbie's doing well, she's slowly adjusting to it, figuring out ways to pick up a couple of hours of sleep. Her mom was here this week and that helped us a lot. My mom will be down next week to help, but we'll have a couple of days on our own, which will hopefully be fine.
...and I'm blogging one handed. Debbie just got to sleep.
We left the hospital a little after noon today. If you're in the Columbus area and are having a baby, I highly recommend Riverside Methodist Hospital. Absolutely phenomenal - not a single bad thing to say. The staff was extraordinary, they were very helpful with Jason.
My grandfather passed this morning. It hit me pretty hard today, much harder than really anything else has hit me. I think an awful lot of it is that he was about to become a great-grandfather for the first time and was really looking forward to it incredibly. Another significant part is that he was doing so much better that I thought he'd be fine, then out of seemingly nowhere he passed. So, as you can imagine I didn't have a very good day, but I was able to leave work early and take Blizzard to the park and have a nice long walk to clear my mind, which really helped.
In limit play a 'trifecta' is when you check/raise a player on the flop, on the turn and on the river - and get action on all three streets. I don't think this is a PURE trifecta, since he 3 bet twice, but I don't care, I'm taking credit for it.
Mad ups to Michigan! Well, a particular city in Michigan.
LANSING, Michigan (AP) -- The State Board of Education on Tuesday approved public school curriculum guidelines that support the teaching of evolution in science classes -- but not intelligent design.
Also, I'm not a father yet.
This evening Columbus saw it's worst hailstorm in quite some time. I was about to step in the shower when I heard pounding all around the house. I threw some clothes on and took a look - and saw massive hailstones falling all around. We lost power, and the siding sustained some relatively minor damage. Fortunately, no windows broke. Here are some pictures:
Pokerstars is running their annual World Championship of Online Poker. Today was the main event, $2500/100 to enter, $3M guaranteed prize pool. I satellited in Wednedsay, and have been very stoked to play since. I've been working very hard to get back to teh top of my game by today, and felt very confident. The turnout was unreal, 2510 entries for a $6.275 million prize pool. First place is scheduled to receive $1.157M, although likely will not because a deal is sure to happen.