Warning: Political Rant Imminent
If you do not happen to share a system of political beliefs with me, you might not enjoy the following post.
So I've been watching a bit of the TV lately. This is probably a shock, I know. As I've been watching the TV, I've been completely unable to avoid the politcal ads in the midterm elections coming up. As always, Ohio is an important swing state, as a key Senate seat is up for grabs, and the gubernatorial eletion is important.
The Senate fight has begun to get a bit dirty. Republican incumbant Mike DeWine has run attack ads on challenger Sherrod Brown alleging he's weak on terror (wtf? that's never a line the Republicans take), using digitally enhanced images of the smoldering Trade Centers. The RNC has run ads attacking Brown, using what sounds like a ukelele in the background with the wonderful ditty "Sherrod Brown let us down." The most recent one describes how Sherrod Brown let us down by voting against using tax dollars to shore up our borders, and how he's not trying to throw out illegal immigrants or something.
At this point, I'd like to remind my loyal readers... I live in OHIO. The heart of it all. I haven't come across too many people in this state who told me of their harrowing journey across Lake Erie on a homemade raft. Nor have I read many stories of people jammed behind a false wall of a semi trailer travelling from Windsor to Toledo. Good call, Brown. Use tax dollars on something that would help Ohioans. Like education.
At least the 'Sherrod Brown let us down' bit is original. Every other Republican run ad has been about taxes. Yeah, I know, also very unusual. Lowering the taxes creates more jobs! That's true, to a point. Lowering taxes creates low-mid paying jobs, not the high end jobs that Ohio needs. That might be solved by, I dunno, not having college tuition increase 10% a year? Maybe?
Well, there has been one other original ad. Gubernatorial candidate Ken Blackwell has been benefitted by one of those "independent" advocacy groups. I use the quotation marks because the group has been created by his stooges. Anyway, this group has been attacking his opponent, Ted Strickland, nonstop. Mostly on things like taxes, but one of his ads was saying he's out of touch with Ohio values because he's not against abortions and voted against an amendment to define marriage as between a man and a woman.
Rant within a rant coming: Who the fuck cares? Marriage should be between two people who love each other and who wish to spend the rest of their lives in a union. I don't care what the Bible has to say on the subject, the Bible is 1) awfully wrong anyway and 2) was written by people that didn't know better. If two men want to marry each other, how does that make my marriage less important? It doesn't - and if you say it does, you should examine your marriage. And don't give me this 'it's unnatural' crap. How much stuff do you do every day that's unnatural? Watch TV? Drive a car? Use the microwave?
Anyway, if Ken Blackwell wins I might just have to look into finding another state. The current governor has been easily the worst this state has seen in my lifetime, and I doubt it's much of a stretch to say he's been the worst in Ohio history. And I have a feeling that Blackwell will make him seem like Abe Lincoln in comparison.
Sigh. This has been a pretty weak rant. It was conceived brilliantly but fizzled out meekly, I'm afraid. Oh well.
Hell yeah - hit the nail on the head, J.
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