chat transcript
Playing the FT 200k today (laptops + wireless!). fielderflop takes a beat from someone not in this chat transcript. Cole420 feels frisky and gets into it with him.
fielderflop: gg
fielderflop: ?
fielderflop: kiddin me
fielderflop: u r terrible
Cole420: what
Cole420: fielder
Cole420: keep your mouth shut
Cole420: idiot
Cole420: lol
fielderflop: cole....lucky this aint live....i would biatch slap the shiz out of you and get kicked out of a casinop
Cole420: im messing with u fielder i dont even know what happened
Cole420: what?
Cole420: you wouldnt do anything you moron
fielderflop: u heard me pothead
THEOSU: looooooool
THEOSU: afk to get popcorn
Cole420: pothead will knife you if u started your mouth live
fielderflop: u do that
fielderflop: bring a knife to the gun show
Cole420: u dont have the balls to carry a gun
Cole420: wussy
fielderflop: to of em
fielderflop: 2 of em
fielderflop: and they attached at my shoulders
THEOSU: dude, i dind't think it could get better
THEOSU: then the "i have tow guns and they're attached to my shoulders" line
THEOSU: fielder, that was awesome
fielderflop: cole i have a feeling you goin out real soon
Cole420: i have a feeling that u are a huge dork
Unfortunately, someone busted and that table broke before further hilarity could ensue.
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