Friday, May 19, 2006


I've never been a big fan of the NBA. OK, I loved the Cavs teams of the late 80s - it was a legitimately sick team. The 88-9 team that lost to the Bulls (I hate that fucking shot) in the first round went 57-25. Daugherty, Hot Rod, Nance, Harper and Price with some impressive depth. An incredible team, fun to watch. Of course, any team with Mark Price was fun to watch. If there's one player from the 80s I miss watching, it's Price over anybody, and I include Bird and Magic in that.

But then Price and Daugherty got hurt, Harper got traded, Nance got old and the Cavs went downhill. We went through the Kemp years, and the ugly 2002-3 season. And then we got LeBron. I don't think I need to go through how incredible LeBron is, but I will say it's amazing watching him these past 3 years. He came into the league an unbelievable player and has clearly worked very, very hard to improve. He's learning how to make his teammates better, which is a skill that the greats have.

And then we're brought to this year. Everything that's been critiqued of LeBron he's overcome. He couldn't make the big shot - he made the big shot. He couldn't win when not playing his best - he's won when not playing his best. So the Cavs dispatch the Wizards and face the Pistons, the team that's been in the finals two years in a row. Experts were saying that the Cavs would be able to win one game - two games if everything broke right. The first two games in Detroit did nothing to dispute this opinion, if anything it changed it to "Hopefully they'll win one." And then something curious happened. LeBron James became the best player in the NBA. The Cavs have won 3 straight close games agianst a team that nobody gave them a shot against, and have a chance to win the series at home Friday. I'll be watching. You should, too.


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