Thursday, February 16, 2006

Limit fun

After crashing out of the 75k on UB today, the only tournament I entered (riverfucked thrice), I still had the hankering to play some poker, though I obviously did not want to start a new tournament at 11:30, so I sat at a little 5/10 limit on Full Tilt. Wow. Players are not strong at limit poker.

I stood up at about 1 o clock up almost 150 bucks. There were a few hands where I just shook my head at what people kept calling me with. I was getting some nice hands, but I got riverfucked a bit more (though I in turn was able to give some riverfucking of my own, a pleasant turn from earlier in the evening).

It sure is promising, though. I need to sit down a bit more when I don't have much going on. I need to get better at limit, because if I'm ever fortunate enough to be able to do this for a living, I'd like to be able to count on the less evilly variant limit games for my regular source of income, and then still be able to play tournaments for kicks. That seems much more reliable than playing NL cash games or tournaments for regular income.


At 05:15, Blogger Unknown said...

You may know this, but just in case you might be interested, Hitman is running a limit mentor program starting in 3 days.

Either way, chat with him a bit about limit. He'll tell you what limits he plays & which he finds the most profitable, etc.


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