Thursday, October 13, 2005

Bahrain, Doug Eddings, Ricky Williams and unclothed women.

No update on my all important Strat World Series. My opponent and I were unable to hook up last night, first because he was AWOL, and then because I didn't feel like playing any more.

The US wins the final round of qualifying for the 06 World Cup in Germany. Good to see, even though I didn't watch either of the last two matches. Somehow Trinidad and Tobago finished ahead of Guatemala to get the playoff shot against an Asian country you've never heard of (Bahrain). I'm thinking of taking a month off next year to watch every match, though Slovenia won't be there, which is a downer.

Ricky Williams scares the hell out of me. He just looks really really freaky now, like he's trying to be Barry White, but just about 1% as cool.

It's a good thing that the Indians didn't lose an ALCS game the way that the Angels did. If so, I'd probably be not terribly happy with Doug Eddings in the way that the Braves fans weren't ecstatic with Eric Gregg in 1997. Speaking of Gregg, I saw a crawl at the bottom of Sportscenter this morning that he's appearing on Cold Pizza to discuss the controversial call. There are so many things to say, but every joke I come up with blends with another joke and is just incoherent. But funny.

Hey Rowebote, I'm sure you read this in the St Paul Pioneer Press:

The workers told Hennepin County sheriff's deputies they had to step over and around players and naked women engaged in sex acts on the floor, said their attorney, Stephen Doyle of Wayzata.

"There was lap dancing with a fair amount of cash floating around the floor with the dancers, leading quickly into sexual acts in a nature so explicit imagination wasn't necessary," Doyle said.

Asked if he saw strippers or sex on his boat Moore said, "Sex? What are you talking about? That's crazy. Look man, I'm engaged. That would put me in trouble."

I couldn't make this shit up. And Mewelde Moore is in BIG trouble when he gets home.


At 12:05, Blogger Rowebote said...

yeah, its a proud time to be a Viking fan... The audio of Mewelde is even more hilarious. Lots of pauses and stuff. Real believable. "Sex?" long pause "What are you talking about?" long pause "That's crazy." long pause "Look, I'm engaged" pause "so noe of that" pause "that would get me in trouble" Who knows, we'll see how it washes out when more information is available but it sure doesn't look good right now. I'm kind of dissapointed that the postal service lost my invite to the cruise though.

At 16:24, Blogger jason said...

Yeah, I was kind of envisioning it that way. The long, thoughtful pauses at the beginning, followed by defensive "I hope we're done here" pauses at the end. "Strip club? What are you talking about? That's crazy. Look, we just went over Bob's and got a couple beers, so none of that. I know better than to go to the strip club."


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